Increase Your Dogs Life SpanMaking natural home made dog food at first thought may seem like a lot of work in today's stressed out busy world. In actuality it is easy to do once you get into the routine. You can make your dogs home made meal at the same time as you are preparing your own dinner, or even make it in batches and keep it portioned and store it in the freezer. Switching to fresh natural home made dog food for you best friend will increase his/her life span up to 8 years. Fresh organic ingredients win every time when compared to artificially flavored, preservative filled, and sometimes worse, commercial dog food. When I think of what the commercial dog food industry considers edible food for my pets it disgusts me. When you find out the facts of what is really in commercial dog food a true animal lover will be shocked. There are so many chemicals that are permitted in dry pet food that are straight out toxic. One of these is the chemical ethoxyquin (EQ), which is added at the rendering plant. This way it does not have to be listed on the ingredients on the food label. EQ is one the most powerful preservatives, and also one of the most toxic. Side effects of factory workers exposed to it caused symptoms similar to Agent Orange. Who in their right mind would think this is okay for our pets to ingest? This is only one of many ingredients that are unfit that our pets get when eating their kibble. Yuck for sure. That is why we should consider feeding them home made human grade food. This is why making all natural, home made dog food seems the safer, better alternative. You know exactly what fresh, healthy ingredients are put in the food because it is the same food you buy for yourself. Given in the correct proportion, this promotes the healthiest, happiest pets and peace of mind for us, the owners. Any pet lover knows of the adoring looks given by your dog. They don't care what you feed them, because they trust us. Knowingly giving them food that causes illnesses, poor health and early death is something I just won't do. I return the favor of unconditional love by making the right choice for them. That way they will be around much longer. Never give the dogs raw garlic or onions, as this could be potentially fatal. Also note that chocolate, raisins and grapes are dangerous to feed to your dog. You can quickly and easily cook nutritious healthy dog food. Check out more about all natural dog food, cooked at home at my main site: http://www.recipes4gourmetdogs.com Bamboos
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